Hey there, holiday enthusiasts! 🎉 There are a total of 11 public holidays in France throughout the year, offering employees and students a chance to celebrate its history, culture, and traditions.

From the dazzling spectacle of Bastille Day to the reflective moments of Armistice Day, these French holidays provide opportunities for both locals and visitors to connect with the nation’s past, present, and future.

fr holidays - public holiday in france

Knowing the public holidays in France is your key to planning a holiday that perfectly aligns with these days and helps you get the most out of it.

List of Public Holidays in France 2024:

DateJour FériéHoliday
01 January, MondayLe Nouvel AnNew Year’s Day
29 March, FridayVendredi SaintGood Friday**
01 April, MondayLundi de PâquesEaster Monday
01 May, WednesdayFête du TravailLabor Day
08 May, WednesdayVictoire 1945Victory Day
09 May, ThursdayAscensionAscension Day
20 May, MondayLundi de PentecôteWhit Monday
14 July, SundayFête nationaleBastille Day
15 August, ThursdayAssomptionAssumption Day
1 November, FridayToussaintAll Saint’ Day
11 November, MondayArmistice 1918Armistice Day
25 December, WednesdayNoëlChristmas
26 December, ThursdaySaint EtienneSt Stephen’s day**
** These are public holidays in France, but only in some of the French regions.

New Year / Nouvel An

This is the first public holiday in France, like in many other countries. We start the year with a cheerful ‘Bonne Année.’ It’s a day for family gatherings, festive meals, and perhaps recovering from a joyful New Year’s Eve.

Good Friday / Vendredi Saint (may vary)

Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is a public holiday in only two regions of France: Alsace and Moselle.

Easter Monday / Lundi de Pâques (may vary)

While Easter Sunday isn’t a public holiday, Easter Monday grants a delightful four-day weekend, allowing everyone to savor the festive spirit.

Labor Day / Fête du Travail

May 1st marks International Workers Day, honoring workers with a well-deserved break. If it falls on a weekend, workers often enjoy a substitute holiday on the following Monday.

Victory Day / Fête de la Victoire

A week after Labor Day, Victory Day celebrates the end of World War II in Europe on May 8, 1945. It holds immense significance for France, honoring sacrifices made during the war.

Ascension Day / Ascension (may vary)

Occurring 39 days after Easter Sunday, Ascension Day is a Thursday celebration, marking the bodily ascent of Jesus Christ into heaven.

Whit Monday / Lundi de Pentecôte (may vary)

Whit Monday is celebrated on the Monday following Pentecost, which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ disciples. It was a public holiday in France until 2005, but it is now an optional public holiday.

Bastille Day / Fête nationale française

Bastille Day fireworks in Paris are a sight you cannot miss

Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14th to celebrate the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution. It is one of the most important public holidays in France and is celebrated with fireworks, parades, and parties.

Assumption / Assomption

Celebrating the ascension of Mary into heaven, Assumption Day provides a splendid opportunity to relax in the summer sunshine.

All Saints’ Day / Toussaint

After Assumption, Toussaint on November 1st is France’s version of Halloween, blending traditional Christian observance with festive and spooky elements.

Armistice Day / Armistice

Similar to Victory Day, Armistice Day on November 11th honors the end of World War I.

armistice day- fr holidays - public holiday in france

Christmas Day / Noël

Christmas Day brings a complete closure of businesses, making it essential to plan accordingly for festivities.

Saint Stephen’s Day / Saint Etienne

Saint Stephen’s Day is celebrated on December 26th to commemorate the death of Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr. It is a public holiday in only two regions of France: Alsace and Moselle.

Celebrate these French holidays, and plan your moments of joy and relaxation! 🇫🇷🎉