Is French hard to learn?

The short answer is yes. Any second language can be difficult to learn, especially if you start learning it after your teenage years.  However, the outcome and the journey can be entertaining and rewarding if done correctly.

French is a beautiful but complicated language, especially for English speakers. There are a number of things that you might find confusing in your journey to learn French. For example, there are words that look similar in English and French but mean different; concepts that don’t exist in English; and even the pronunciation of very basic words.

Difficulties you might face while learning French as a beginner

French has a lot of silent letters

French words do contain silent letters, but this is true for English too. Silent letters in French follow consistent patterns, making them easier to predict. For example, in “homme” (man), the “h” is always silent. Understanding these patterns helps you read and pronounce French words correctly. As you practise, recognising these silent letters becomes second nature, easing your reading and speaking skills. Moreover, silent letters often indicate historical spelling and pronunciation, enriching your understanding of the language’s evolution.

There are so many French verb tenses

While French has several verb tenses, daily conversations mainly use just a few. The present, past, and future tenses cover most situations. Also, many tenses in French closely resemble those in English, making them easier to grasp. With practice, these tenses become second nature. By focusing on the most commonly used tenses first, you can build a solid foundation. Gradually, you can expand your understanding of other tenses. Additionally, learning verb conjugations can be made easier with mnemonic devices and regular practice. This turns a potential challenge into a manageable task.

Every French noun has a gender

It’s true that French nouns have genders, but this is not as complicated as it sounds. Gender rules typically follow logical patterns, and over time, you will remember the gender of common nouns. Using mnemonic devices and repetition can also help you master this aspect of French. Remember, even native speakers sometimes make mistakes with gender, so don’t be discouraged by occasional errors. Furthermore, many language learning apps and tools offer gender-specific exercises. This makes this aspect of French easier to learn and remember.

French grammar is confusing

French grammar has rules, but so does every language. Once you learn the basics, French grammar starts to make sense. Many grammar rules are similar to those in English, which simplifies the learning process. At La Forêt French Class, our expert tutors provide students with tips and tricks to understand French grammar effortlessly. Structured lessons and practical examples help demystify French grammar, making it more approachable and logical. With the right guidance and practice, what initially seems confusing becomes clear and manageable.

There are accent marks in French

Accent marks in French indicate pronunciation and meaning, much like stress in English words. Learning the function of each accent mark (acute, grave, circumflex, etc.) helps you pronounce words correctly. With practice, recognising and using accent marks becomes straightforward. These marks are consistent and predictable, aiding in proper pronunciation and helping distinguish between similar words. Additionally, understanding accent marks enhances your reading and writing skills, ensuring you convey the correct meaning and pronunciation.

French is just so different from English

French and English share many similarities because both languages have Latin roots. Many French words are similar to English ones (e.g., “information” and “information”). These cognates make vocabulary acquisition easier. Understanding these similarities helps bridge the gap between the two languages. Additionally, French syntax and sentence structure often align with English, making the learning curve less steep. Familiarising yourself with these similarities can significantly speed up the learning process and boost your confidence.

Practising French is difficult

Thanks to technology, practising French is easier than ever. You can use language learning apps, online tutors, and conversation partners. Additionally, French media, such as movies, music, and news, offer ample opportunities for practice. Immersing yourself in the language helps improve your skills rapidly. Virtual language exchanges and social media groups also provide platforms to practise with native speakers and fellow learners. Moreover, joining local language clubs or online forums can create a supportive community to enhance your learning experience.

Pronunciation is a hurdle

French pronunciation may seem tricky, but it follows consistent rules. Unlike English, where pronunciation can vary widely, French pronunciation is more predictable. Listening to native speakers and practising with audio resources can help you master French sounds quickly. Phonetic guides and pronunciation tools are available to aid your learning, ensuring you speak with confidence and clarity. Additionally, practising with native speakers or language partners can provide real-time feedback, helping you refine your pronunciation skills effectively.

An overwhelming vocabulary

French vocabulary may seem vast, but so is English. Fortunately, many French words are already familiar due to their similarity to English words. Focusing on the most commonly used words first makes learning manageable. As you progress, expanding your vocabulary becomes easier and more enjoyable. Using flashcards, language apps, and reading simple texts can help reinforce new words effectively. Additionally, engaging with French media like books, films, and music can expand your vocabulary. This occurs organically in an enjoyable and contextual manner.

Limited applicability beyond France

French is spoken in many countries across five continents, making it a valuable language. Countries like Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and several African nations use French as an official language. Learning French opens up numerous cultural and professional opportunities worldwide. Being bilingual in French also enhances travel experiences and fosters a deeper understanding of diverse cultures. Furthermore, French is a working language of many international organisations, including the United Nations. This expands its global applicability and usefulness.

Unforgiving of mistakes

French speakers appreciate the effort made to learn their language. They are usually patient and willing to help learners. Making mistakes is a part of the learning process. The key is to practise regularly and learn from these errors. Your competence and self-assurance will increase with time. Embracing mistakes as learning opportunities will accelerate your progress and make the learning journey more enjoyable. Remember, persistence and a positive attitude towards making mistakes can transform them into valuable learning experiences.


Learning French has its challenges, but it is a rewarding and achievable goal. By debunking these myths, we hope to encourage you to start learning French with confidence. Take the first step in your French learning journey today. La Forêt French Class Furthermore, French is a working language of many international organisations, including the United Nations. This expands its global applicability and usefulness. offers expert guidance to help you succeed. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to fluency. Embrace the journey, and soon you will find yourself speaking French with ease and enjoyment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the hardest thing about learning French?

The hardest aspect of learning French varies for each person. Common challenges include mastering pronunciation and understanding verb conjugations. However, with consistent practice and guidance, these hurdles can be overcome. La Forêt French Class online french classes provide resources and support to help you tackle these difficulties effectively.

Is there any reason to learn French?

Learning French offers many benefits. It enhances career prospects, as French is a global business language. It also opens doors to French culture, literature, and travel experiences. Additionally, learning a new language boosts cognitive skills. La Forêt French Class’s courses can help you achieve these advantages efficiently.

Is learning French worth it in India?

Yes, learning French is definitely worth it in India. It increases job opportunities in various fields, including tourism, international business, and diplomacy. French also enriches personal growth by connecting you to a vast Francophone community. La Forêt French Class provides comprehensive French courses to help you succeed in this endeavour.

By dispelling these myths, we hope to show that learning French is not as difficult as it seems. Embrace the challenge, and you will find the journey to be both enjoyable and rewarding. La Forêt French Class online French class is here to guide you every step of the way.