DELF A2 preparatory course can be done if you already have a basic knowledge of French (DELF A1). After completing this course, you gain confidence and start communicating about your daily and routine tasks in French.  This course also prepares you for the DELF A2 Exam. DELF A2 is a minimum qualification expected in Francophone countries for employment and immigration purposes. This is an online course, and daily sessions are conducted on Google Meet. The resources required for learning and practice (text, audio, and video files) will be shared online.
  • Course highlights
    • Starts with introduction
    • Revision/Questions based on the last session
    • New lesson – Verbal and written instructions, Audio/visual lessons
    • Summary and homework
  • Requirements
    • Minimum Age: 15 years
    • Knowledge of French: Candidate should have basic knowledge of French (DELF A1 level)
  • Description
    • Total Duration: 65-70 Hours
    • No of sessions: 45-50 (Monday to Friday)
    • Duration of each session: 90 Minutes
    • Mode of instruction: Online, via Google Meet.
  • Syllabus
Vocabulary Basics Communication Grammar
Indicators of time  Connectors  Writing a short message Imperative (Negative)
Vocabulary of Computer  Indicators of Time Stories in the past tense Relative Pronouns (qui,que,où,dont)
Studies and Education Stimulation  Describing, buying, and selling objects Past Tense (Recent Past)
Voyage  Jeu de role (Role play) Speaking on weather (la météo) Present Continuous (Présent Continu)
Body and Health  Frequency Indicators Expressing interest/opinion Futur Tense (Futur Simple)
Meteorology Modes of communication Describing environnement Direct and Indirect Pronouns (Pronom COD and COI)
Environment and Animals  Discussion on social media Description of a person Indicators of Time 
Sport activities Letter of presentation (Une lettre de présentation) Asking and replying to questions Conditional Present (Conditionnel Présent)
Clothes and Accessories  Writing tweets Replying to a proposition Accordance of Past Participle (L’accord du participe passé)
Cuisines Expressing past experiences Talking about a stay/trip Gender and Plurality of Adjectives
Introduction Le Subjonctif 
Questions and formations
Direct Indirect Speech
Comparative and Superlative Degree
Plus que parfait (PQP)
Interrogative and Demonstrative Pronouns 
Le gérondif
Emotions and Sentiments 
Restriction (Type  of Negation)
Exam Dates:

Upcoming Batches


Starting from : 17/06/2024
Ending on : 23/08/2024
Batch time : 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Mode : Online
Remarks : For registration related inquiries or any other query, contact us!
Registration Status : Open
Course Fee : 25,000/-

GST (18%) applicable on above cost.

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